
If you enjoy using TimeJot, spare a minute to rate it on the Play Store ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, or share it on social media.


  • Fix: Exported zip file can’t be opened with Windows Explorer.
  • Fix: Overdue icon is not cleared when the event is updated.
  • Fix: Notification does not show on wear devices.
  • Show close confirmation for unsaved changes in the entry page.
  • Image viewer improvements.
  • Other small UI improvements.


  • Add timeline page to show entries from multiple events.
  • Use persistent bottom sheet on the detail page — this can be changed in the entry settings.
  • Other small UI improvements.


  • Introduce Material 3 with support for dynamic colors.
  • Redesign the entry timeline page.
  • Show overdue events on the home page.
  • Add option to sort events by due date on the home page.
  • Add setting to show seconds input on the entry time picker.
  • Fix an issue where some texts disappear if system animations are disabled.
  • Redesign the ongoing activities page.
  • Increase the max image allowed for each entry.
  • Reduce the minimum widget size so it can shrink if needed.
  • Show entry settings option on the general settings page.
  • Move the drawer for category selection to the left position.
  • Add Swedish language.
  • Lots of other improvements under the hood.


  • Fix input text color issue.


  • Fix text alignment issues introduced in the previous release.


  • Make notifications persistent to prevent accidental dismissals.
  • Improve the 24-hour time picker.
  • Small internal fixes.


  • Fixed a small UI bug.


  • Fixed a bug in Tasker integration. Please recreate any TimeJot actions already added in Tasker.


  • Tasker integration for fully automated entries. Read more here.
  • Use ISO 8601 date format for entry and event dates in CSV data.
  • Show entry duration (ISO 8601 format) in CSV data if relevant.
  • Add monochrome launcher icon for dynamic icon theming.
  • Increase entry date range.
  • Lots of internal improvements.


  • Allow multiple categories per event.
  • Improve the event variables page.
  • Allow selection of entry notes.
  • Add entry setting to enable link/email/phone highlight in entry notes.
  • Collapse entries list menu options.
  • Allow the creation of variables without units.
  • New entry settings page with improved preview.
  • Improve the event creation page.
  • Lots of UI improvements.


  • Add an overview calendar in the entries list page.
  • Update translations.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Add support for preferred first day of the week.
  • Add in-app language selection for Android 13.
  • Optimizations for Android 13.
  • Fix truncated texts in the variables page.
  • Add Polish and Italian translations.


  • Minor UI improvements.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Add support for date filter in the event dashboard page.
  • Show the entry duration value for date range events on the chart.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.


  • Add support for date range events and ongoing activities.
  • See the duration changes of date range events over time in the dashboard page.
  • Show the event title on the entry page for clarity.
  • App widgets now follow the device theme.
  • Add French and Nepali translations.
  • Minor fixes.


  • Changed the entry date/time UI.
  • Use the classic time picker for 24h clock.
  • Allow opening the entry page externally via deep link.
  • Merged the relative time text with the card content in the entries list page.
  • Fix: No date separator character on the date text input keyboard on Samsung devices.
  • Fix: “yy” resolves to future dates (“94” is 2094 instead of 1994) in the date text input.
  • Added more feature hints.
  • Few other small fixes.


  • Added some hints to help you discover features.
  • Changed the “Add entry” button to be more prominent in the entries list page.
  • Bug fixes.


  • New chart for variables on the dashboard page so you can better visualize your data.
  • Remember the search preference for notes on the home page.
  • Add option to show variable average on the dashboard.
  • Time interval and notification improvements for DST changes.
  • Fix: Unnecessary device wakeups in some cases.


  • Enhancements for Android 12.
  • Date picker now supports text input. Tap the edit icon at the top of the calendar to switch to text input mode or long-press the date section on the entry dialog to open the date picker directly in text input mode.
  • Dashboard now remembers your last viewed variable.
  • Dashboard will show the last day’s chart if relevant. Otherwise, the last month will be shown.
  • Minor UI improvements.


  • Image viewer improvements (swipe to dismiss, image transitions, and zoom gestures).
  • Move app data management settings to a new Backup and Restore page.
  • Allow exporting entry images separately for more efficient backup, to enable this, see the Backup and Restore page.
  • Show entry images with notes on the home page.
  • Improve font spacing on the home page.
  • Bug fixes and minor UI improvements.


  • Entries are no longer grouped by default. You can choose your preferred grouping in the entry settings page.
  • Image viewer enhancements.
  • Improve year selection.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Add entry grouping options (Day, Month, Year, or None).
  • Allow reordering event variables. Your preferred order will be used in the entries list, new entry, and dashboard pages.
  • Quickly scroll to the top of your entries list by tapping the page title.
  • Fixed a bug in date/time behavior.


  • Add timer option for widgets.
  • Improved image viewer.
  • Use the compact timer by default on the home page, you can revert this in the settings page.


  • Add photos to entries. Tip: use the compress tool in the image viewer to reduce image sizes.
  • Add timer mode on the home page to show live updates (count down or count up) of entry dates (Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds), this can be enabled in the settings page.
  • Add compare feature in the entry list page, select two or more entries to get started.
  • Add date highlight, click on “time since” or “time between” entries in the entry list page or long-click on an entry date on the home page to see the full date information with live updates where necessary.
  • Use colors to differentiate future and past dates on the home page.
  • Add “None” max date resolution option to always show the full date.
  • Separate widget max date resolution setting from the home page max date resolution setting so they can be configured independently.
  • Merge variable value and unit columns in the entry list.
  • Merge entry settings to show or hide notes, variables, and images.
  • Data export will be a zip file containing your photos as well as the database file if you have entries with photos, otherwise, you’ll get the database file as usual.
  • Home page swipe opens entry page by default, you can revert to the automatic entry behavior in the settings page.
  • Add Italian translations.
  • Lots of internal fixes and improvements.


  • Add CSV data export.
  • Fix: Notification is delayed on some devices.


  • Fix: Entry note input field content is not scrollable.
  • Fix: Popup menu titles are truncated in some languages.
  • Show the system file manager on the data export share sheet.
  • Add option to show the day of week on the entries list.
  • Add German translation.


  • Add event archive.
  • Add month unit for adaptive notifications.
  • Allow zero (0) input for variable value.
  • Preserve insertion order of event variables wherever they are used.
  • Fix home toolbar behavior on orientation change.
  • Notification delivery optimizations.
  • Add Ukrainian translation.


  • Add daily data export.
  • Fix: Notifications are not scheduled for imported events.
  • Add menu option to open help webpage:
  • Add Dutch and Portuguese (Brazil) translations.


  • Fix: Dropdown goes under the navigation bar on some devices.
  • Fix: Duration less than 24 hours rounds up to 1 day immediately after midnight in the entry list.
  • Fix: Comma decimal separator does not work for variable value input.
  • Increase max variables to 8 for each event.
  • Increase max unit characters to 3 for each variable.
  • Home page now scrolls to the new event after it is created.
  • Add “Year Month Day” date formats.
  • Add Indonesian, Chinese (Simplified), and Telugu translations.


  • Last Time app is now TimeJot. The beautiful UI that you know and love is still the same!
  • Shiny new dashboard page where you can visualize your entries on a chart.
  • Numeric properties, known as variables can now be created for events and updated with each entry. Graphical representations of event variables are also available in the dashboard page.
  • Add option to choose specific days when setting up daily notifications.
  • Add option to include entry notes when searching for events on the home page.
  • Highlight search results on the home page.
  • It’s now easier to add events, you no longer have to add an initial entry.
  • Highlight the submenu for the currently selected sort group on the home page so you no longer have to guess which one is selected.
  • Improve date filter logic in the entry list page.
  • Fix: Input fields on dialogs sometimes remain highlighted when they should not be.
  • Fix: Swipe action on the home page is available during selection.
  • Add Russian translation.
  • Add Croatian translation.
  • Lots of other internal improvements.


  • Swipe events on the home page to update them instantly.
  • Add option to change swipe behavior.
  • Add Spanish (Spain) translation.


  • Add options to keep selected category and sort on app exit.
  • Allow configuration of how dates are shown on widgets.
  • Brand new date picker to ease date selection.
  • Improve entry list date handling to show more relevant information.
  • Improve date and time format preferences to respect device configurations.
  • Remove time picker setting, the picker now follows your time format preference.
  • Some performance optimizations and UI adjustments.


  • Add data export and import feature.
  • Add setting for preferred date and time formats.
  • Add setting to use 24-hour time picker.
  • Add option to sort events by name.


  • Bug fixes.


  • Initial release.